The Girl From the Billboard 

One busy afternoon
roughly around 4:30 
I was walking to the beat of the air 
On a busy fall day when suddenly my attention was stolen 

Like valuables in plain sight 
It was a goddess in disguise 
Plastered on a billboard so large you just had to stop 
I remember thinking to myself: 

Oh how I wish I was her 
The girl from the billboard 
She seems so content here 

Her smile 
beaming, bright and everything beautiful 
Through her smile you could tell she's been through pain yet she strives and smiles With genuineness 

Her eyes 
Admirable, alluring and everything angelic 
Through her charming brown eyes that seem to twinkle in this picture you could tell that she carries the pain of her ancestors and maybe that’s why her eyes are so beautifully flamboyant 

Her skin, ah her skin 
A shade of radiant ebony 
Mirthful, mesmerizing and everything majestic 
So radiant you could lose yourself in it 
Her skin is art that holds a story like no other a story worth reading of course 

She as a whole is absolutely breathtaking 
Shes who I want to be 
A fierce black girl who can stop the world without even knowing it 

The girl from the billboard 
The one who gets the attention without seeking it 

Is the one I aspire to be


This freestyle poem is about the beauty of Black women.
It portrays their beauty from within not only physically by focusing on the little details.


work by

Muna Ahmed 

My name is Muna which means desire or wishes, in Arabic. I am 17, I enjoy writing which is something I picked up in eighth grade because I never really knew how to deal with my feelings. So it started as a way to get things off my chest but eventually it transformed me, becoming a writer and spoken word artist.

Now I showcase my own work on wordsbymuna on Instagram. I write for certain non-profit magazines and for school events. One of my dreams is to open up a youth focused magazine to showcase their talents, since as a youth right now it is pretty hard to get my work out there. Hopefully, this is a dream I can achieve through opportunities like this.


Britta B