iAM Exhibition Momentum is the culmination of artwork created by emerging youth artists who participated in the JAYU iAM Online residency from Oct 2021 to March 2022.

In October 2021, 20 emerging youth artists were paired with 20 established artist mentors to help develop their artistry in an online residency. Over the next 5 months the artists participated in anti-oppressive trainings, artist workshops and worked one on one to develop the work being exhibited. This residency lead by Tanya Mok and Radha Pithadia, provided a space for youth artists and artist mentors to explore, play, discuss and create.

The work created in this exhibition was made possible through the residency funding by Canada Council & OAC. Each youth artist was paid for their time and artwork created. Each mentor was paid for their time and dedication to working with their mentee. A total of 40 artists were paid and 19 artworks were created.

Special thanks to the facilitators:

  • Bryanna Petrie, Mariah Doucette, Alita Sauve of Bloom Holistic Collective | Anti-Oppression & Indigenous Cultural Training

  • Eve Amponsah of Amponsah-Yeboah Consulting |  Anti-Black Racism

  • Amy Go, President of Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice | Anti-Asian Racism